Sometimes you just need to step away from the chaos of broken water pipes, a home that could use a good cleaning and a couch with a mountain of laundry waiting to be folded. You get in the car, pick up a friend and drive to do an errand to pick up your most precious guitar all fixed, just waiting to play ideas yet to spring from fingers and mind. But before that, there’s time to wander, at ease and ply through bins of chicken beads, chicken-music pillows and even a magic egg. Trying on outfits with the kindness of a friend saying “well, if you get that top you may have to wear it with pants like these.” Neither of which would have worked. Further meanderings led us to little frog and cat purses with zipper mouths, pillows made from sweaters, exotic Egyptian purses and sock monkey shopping bags. Each step of the way our gaze was drawn to someone’s gift of making the world a little bit better. There were wooden pallets hung on walls with cacti and hens and chicks filling the gaps, moon flower and morning glory planters gracing street corners and a bench made from old fence posts and varying lengths of wood boards. Throw in a few cups of Middle Eastern tea, real talk with a friend and paper mache kites and you have a soul restored. Returning home the house seemed a little cleaner, the timing of turning on the well pump to bring us water seemed more synchronous and even the mountain of laundry~not so daunting. I think I’m going to sew today.

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